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Showing posts from December, 2020

Read Books in Roam - A Detailed How To Guide for Importing and Using ePub in Roam

I have perfected the process of importing ePub books into Roam. I was able to create an almost frictionless experience for reading a book in Roam. Put aside the issue with reading on a tablet screen instead of a kindle, this solution is much more comfortable and efficient for reading and note taking at the same time then the Kindle. I have also develop a solution to automatically maintain full traceability from my notes to the source text even though the ePub book sits in a different Roam graph compared to my literature notes. This post is a detailed how-to guide for setting yourself up to read books in Roam. Here is the link to the Python program you need for converting your ePub books: Colab Notebook Here is the link to the Book-base.json that will be required to achieve the full experience. This is how the end result looks Detailed how-to walkthrough This second video explains the full process from the beginning to the end in 27 minu...

Importing the Bible to Roam - Final Solution

In this post I will present my final solution for getting the Bible imported into Roam Research . I have finally found a way to drastically decrease the size of the imported Roam graph, but still have a reasonable solution for accessing multiple translations and cross references. I will share my thoughts on performance and potential next steps for making the Bible work even better in Roam. If you are interested in the topic, I have two other posts on the subject. Links are at the end. You can download the Roam .EDN archive for the Bible from here: ASV.edn For a real time demonstration of the full import process within 3 minutes check out this video . WARNING: by restoring the ASV.edn into your graph, all other data in your graph will be lost! The source code for the converter is here:  Roam.json Bible importer with BUTTON for verse numbers v1.ipynb Use this if the primary translation you'd like to use in Roam is ...

Study Bible or ePub Books in Roam? My Roller Coaster Ride with Roam JSON

I don't give up easy. After some mixed results the first time around (see my previous post:  My Adventres with Roam.JSON ) I have now successfully created a full featured Study Bible in Roam by importing the Bible and cross references. I have also created an ePub importer and loaded War and Peace into Roam as a pilot. This may be helpful to those of you who want to integrate your reading experience fully into Roam. This post will be a mix of technical details and a demonstration of the Study Bible I have created. I'll start with the introduction of the end result - you can bail out after that if you are not interested in the gory details. I decided to publish this post even though I am still not 100% satisfied with my solution. I have lots of further ideas to explore, which I will share in Part 3 on Roam JSON. There are still many open questions and I have lots of additional ideas to explore. I'll provide a list of some of these at the end.  My P...

My Adventures with Roam.JSON

This post is a bit more technical in nature, though I think the first half may be interesting even to those who are not into Python and the inner workings of Roam data import. What is Roam? Roam is a bit like a personal Wiki. It is a note-taking application that supports networked thought. At its core, Roam is extremely simple to understand. A Roam database simply consists of pages and paragraphs. The paragraphs are displayed as bullet point lists which can be nested much like in an outliner. In Roam lingo paragraphs are called "blocks" When writing, you can simply reference other pages using double square brackets. For example to reference my page in Roam for Zsolt's Blog I just write [[Zsolt's Blog]]. Now if I click on the reference between the brackets, Roam will take me to the other page. What makes Roam unique is how you can reference not only pages, but also blocks by entering the block's unique identifier in ((round bracket...

The Secret of Setting Annual Goals You WILL Achieve

Photo by  Khwanchai Phanthong  from  Pexels Why set annual goals? If you don't know exactly where you're going, how will you know when you get there? Steve Maraboli We all have dreams . Dreams, especially BIG dreams usually do not happen overnight, else you would have already made the effort to achieve them. If you don't start to take steps to achieve your dreams they will eventually turn into regrets . To answer why it is important to set annual goals, first we must talk about why it is absolutely essential to be clear with yourself about your commitments . Commitments are declarations about your intentions, they focus your will. When you are fully committed to something you will do what ever it takes, not just what you know how to do . There are goals we set ourselves because we want to please others , because we assume others expect certain achievements from us. If you are unclear about your commitments y...
